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Oct. 4, 2021

Episode 19 - Joe Cole, Creative Recruiter at We Are Rosie

Episode 19 - Joe Cole, Creative Recruiter at We Are Rosie

Episode 19 starts with some ~personal news~ from Amelia & Brian and features digital nomad and creative recruiter at We Are Rosie, Joe Cole. He joins us from some pretty great parking lot wifi in British Columbia. 

He gives us a front row seat to an incredibly eventful career working for Creatives for Georgia and Block Power to turn Georgia blue and swing the tide of our national election, joining We Are Rosie and Clean Creatives almost simultaneously, and doing it all from different vans and timezones around the world. 

His personal mission is to make the world better and you can get some first-hand insight at how he does that right here in this episode. You can follow Joe at @joecacola and learn more about Clean Creatives at cleancreatives.org. 

If you get the chance, it would make our whole poddy lives if you would leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or, heck, just tell a friend about the pod. You can find Amelia & Brian on Twitter at @ameliadirector and @bricoastal, respectively. 

Thanks for joining us! 

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Amelia's Book
Brian's Book